
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

| mintak upah??? balasan??? dari mak ayah., patut????

salam blogger.., kat cney aku nak kongsi cite la sket., tentang

-mak yang lahirkan kita selama 9bulan.., mak la yang bawak kita kehulu hilir tanpa mengalah ., tanpa mengeluh.., tanpa malu., tapi kenapa ramai yang suka mengalah., suka mengeluh pabila mak ayah mintak buatkan something., rasa malu bila mak ayah dah tua., (lama2 kita pon akan tua cam mak ayah kita gak)..
tapi yang sedihnya., dulu2., mak belikan makan, pakain untuk anak2.., bila anak2 dah besar., bila belikan barang untuk mak ayah., anak2 mintak upah., minta duet., tak kiralah harga barang 2 murah or mahal., kalau boleh 2 nak jugak mak ayah bayar., (dulu mak ayah tak pernah berkira., kalau mereka ingin meminta balasan., dari kecik samapai besar., memang anak2 tak boleh ganti/balas., memang besar pengorbanan mak ayah kita untuk anak2., anak2 takkan mampu ..,
tapi kenapa mak ayah mintak belikan barang sedikit mesti mintak wang.., ("nakk., tolong belikan mak kaen batik satu untuk mak.," maka anak pon belikan., "ney mak., 15ringgit jea mak.," mak dengan berat hati dan terasa dengan kata2 anaknya tadi lalu si mak memberi wang tersebut)..
kenapa kita nak minta wang dari mereka???? kenapa??? kalau mereka ungkit ., anak2 boleh beri wang kepada mak ayah???? mesti tak bolehkan??? mak ayah besarkan kita., didikkan kita., jaga kita., sampai berjaya., tapi kenapa kita nak lupa jasa mereka yang amat besar yang tiada tandingi..., memang mereka tidak bersuara., dalam hati mereka terlalu sedih., mereka selalu mengis., tapi mereka takkan sesekali sakiti hati anak2 mereka., tanpa mereka tak wujudlah kita., tanpa mereka siapa lah kita., dengan mereka kita hidup..,
-tapi ney yang aku tak berapa puas hati sangat ney.., anak duduk sebumbung ngan mak ayah., sepatutnya barang dapur., elektrik tak perlulah mintak dari mereka., itu rumah mereka., mak ayah bukanya guna sangat elektrik., abis kuat pon tv., itu jeaaa., mak ayah pon arapkan wang pencen., berapa lah sangat untuk mereka., tapi kenapa anak2 tidak boleh bantu mereka cmna mereka bantu anak2 suatu ketika dahulu??? si anak sudah pon kawen.., dah ada suami., kenapa tak boleh bantu mak ayah sedikit??? tak ada sifat kasihan ke??? lagi..., kenapa bila bercakap perlu tengkingkan tinggikan suara??? orang laen dengar pon (teruknya anak ney)., apatah lagi mak ayah., mereka hanya sabar (nages)...,
kalau mereka dah tak ada nanti., kamo semua jangan menyesal., nasi dah menjadi bubur.., kalau nak kena dari mula2., jangan terlambat.., jaga mereka., jangan biar hidup mereka terabai..., MAK AYAH hanya datang sekali dalam hidup., tiada ganti mereka., mereka lah satu2nya baka kita., :)

p/s: terasa nak karang something b4 sleep., so ney la hasilya., :) ., cerita ney juga de maksud..,
time ney mata dah lali., :P

Friday, January 27, 2012

| engat senang nak jadi CHEFF????

The major positions are as follows:
  1. The chef is the person in charge of the kitchen.  In large establishments, this person has the title of executive chef.  The executive chef is a manager who is responsible for all aspects of food production, including menu planning, purchasing, costing, and planning work schedules.
  2. The sous chef (soo shef) is directly in charge of production.  Because the executive chef's responsibilities require a great deal of time in the office, the sous chef takes command of the actual production and the minute-by-minute supervision of the staff.
  3. The station chefs, or chefs de partie, are in charge of particular areas of production.  The following are the most important station chefs:
    • The sauce chef, or saucier (so-see-ay), prepares sauces, stews, and hot hors d'oevres, and sautes foods to order.  This is usually the highest position of all the stations.
    • The fish cook, or poissonier (pwah-so-nyay), prepares fish dishes.  (This station may be handled by the saucier in some kitchens.)
    •  The vegetable cook, or entremetier (awn-truh-met-yay), prepares vegetables, soups, starches, and eggs.  Large kitchens may divide these duties among the vegetable cook, and the fry cook, and the soup cook.
    • The roast cook, or rotisseur (ro-tee-sur), prepares roasted and braised meats and their gravies and broils meats and other items to order.  A large kitchen may have a separate broiler cook, or grillardin (gree-ar-dan), to handle the broiled items.  The broiler cook may also prepare deep-fried meats and fish.
    • The pantry chef, or garde manger (gard-mawn-zhay), is responsible for cold foods, including salads and dressings, pates, cold hors d'oeuvres, and buffet items.
    • The pastry chef, or patissier (pa-tees-syay), prepares pastries and desserts.
    • The relief cook, swing cook, or tournant (toor-nawn) replaces other station heads.
     4.   Cooks and assistants in each station or department help with the particular duties that are assigned
           to them.  For example, the assistant vegetable cook may wash, peel, and trim vegetables.  With
           experience, assistants may be promoted to station cooks and then to station chefs.

#susah kn??? huhu., ia kena mula dari bawah.,  kena sabar., sabar., n sabar :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

| smile

"SENYUM" ringan tak bersuara tapi, penuh makna.
"SENYUM" murah tapi, tak ternilai dengan ringgit.
"SENYUM" tak perlu tenaga tapi, besar motivasinya.
"SENYUM" hal yang mudah tapi, selalu nampak indah.
"SENYUM" 1 perkara yang biasa tapi, boleh menjadi istimewa.
"SENYUM" ibadah yang paling mudah tetapi, berpahala setara dengan sedekah.
Penuhilah hari2 kita dgn senyuman manis agar semua org ikut tersenyum kerana kita,.=)



Love: A beautiful word and a universal emotion and the most difficult one to understand (even more difficult than women!). The reason is that it has so much other emotions involved in it that you can identify these other emotions as separate ones but actually they are formed from love only.
Love consists of compassion, sacrifice, passion, lust, possessiveness and even anger. It's really difficult to understand that anger can be a form of love but it is. Because mostly the anger arouse in you is because of your loved ones not doing the things you expect, so it is a form of love definitely. So love is really hard to understand.
Now coming on the topic, Teenage love: attraction or true love. Actually in my view Teenage love is more of attraction and less of true love. I am not saying that true love doesn't exist in teenagers but in most of the cases it's just attraction. For example the love which starts in college is attraction in my opinion (there can be some exceptions.) because at this age students are most fascinated towards the opposite sex and they became more frank with each other than ever before. Also they change themselves according to the liking of their respective partners for only the period of time in which they are together.
The other reason can be that because there is so much competition today parents and even teachers always keep telling the child that 11th and 12th are the two classes in which they should only study in order to have a bright future and don't pay attention towards any other thing.
So after doing so much hard work and getting admission the suppressed desires sprout out which results in sudden attraction and they think that's love and this is the only reason that so many break-ups happen. Because when you spend time with your partner than only you came to know about the real qualities of your partner and you may or may not like it.
And that can be a reason also to the divorces which happen even after love marriages.
So guys one can't help the attraction but a piece of advice is that don't believe in 1st sight love when you are in college give some time for the relationship and then make the decision.
And for girls especially DO NOT allow the physical intimacy in a new relationship.
Some of you may think that I'm wrong in saying that teenage love is attraction only but guys I am not denying the fact that true love can also happen it's just that true will overcome all these boundaries and will win after all.
Because true love is the ultimate winner and it's incredible and impeccable.

by: anmol gupta

| meronda

salam ., aiy2., aku saja nak upload pic2 ney., time ney aku snap otw blek dari keja., biasa la nk pusing2 kampung., hehe., cantik x???

p/s: boring2., biasa la....  :)


Sunday, January 22, 2012

| dunia basikal, geqet, sepeda, bicycle..., a,k,a FIXIE

| salam all., pe kabar sume ha??? aku nk cita sket.., tentang basikal ala fixie ney..,

la ney ramai yg gila2kn fixie an., but why?? dah la xdk break., klw terlajak cmna? haha..,
aku minat gak., hehe., minat jea la.,
macam2 warna plak 2., pelangi fixie.. hehe.,

NEY WARNA PINK., why??? coz my febret color la., hehehe.,

Friday, January 20, 2012


| taaadaaaa

✔ JAM TANGAN → Tanda mengingati setiap masa dan waktu ツ
✔ CINCIN → Tanda ikatan kasih yang abadi ツ
✔ GELANG → Tanda mesra ツ
✔ RANTAI LEHER → Ikatan cinta yang perlu perhatian ツ
✔ SUBANG → Tanda penghargaan dan penghormatan ツ
✔ KASUT → Sentiasa mengambil berat/prihatin ツ
✔ PAKAIAN/KAIN → Semoga kasih berkekalan dan dekat selalu ツ
✔ PAYUNG → Tanda ka......sih dan sentiasa ingin melindungi ツ
✔ MINYAK WANGI → Tanda cinta ツ
✔ BINGKAI GAMBAR → Sentiasa merindu dan tak ingin berjauhan ツ
✔ BUKU → Bersifat terbuka dan bertolak ansur ツ
✔ BUNGA → Tanda perkenalan dan tanda sayang ツ
✔ COKLAT → Semanis cintamu ツ
✔ LAGU/CD/KAD UCAPAN → Mengabadikan cinta dan kenangan ツ
✔ SEJADAH DAN AL-QURAN → Tandanya kekasihnya itu menyayanginya dunia dan akhirat ツ
✔ HANDPHONE → Tandanya kau jangan lari dari ku!!!! Akan ku mencari mu walau dimanapun (melainkan kalau handphone itu ditutup) ツ

#Tetapi hadiah yang paling di nanti2kan oleh setiap perempuan adalah...
❤ MASUK MEMINANG → Tandanya dia serius dan betul2 ikhlas mencintai kamu ♥


| kisah pensil & pemadam

Pensel : Saya minta maaf.

Pemadam : Utk apa? Awak tak buat salah pun.

Pensel : Saya minta maaf disebabkan saya, awak cedera. Setiap kali saya buat silap, awak pasti berada di situ utk membetulkan kesilapan saya. Tapi setiap kali awak memadam kesilapan saya, awak kehilangan sebahagian dari diri awak. Awak menjadi semakin kecil.

Pemadam : Itu betul, tapi saya langsung tak kisah tentangnya kerana saya dibuat utk membetulkan kesilapan yg awak buat. Walaupun suatu hari nanti saya tahu yg saya pasti akan hilang, saya berbangga dengan kerja saya ini. Jadi janganlah risau. Saya tak mahu melihat awak brsedih.


Thursday, January 19, 2012

| dunia zaman sekarang.,

| assalamualaikum sume blogger...,
nak kongsi cita sket pe yang aku tengok.., aku jalan2 dalam  fb ., saja nak tengok wall dia., terkejut beruk bila tengok 1 album 2., ish2., seGENG lak 2., ya ALLAH..., pe la nasib dia., n cmna la perasaan famly dia kalau tengok anak gadis dia cam 2...., bf dia pown sama., bukan nak kata tapi kita sebagai umat islam., sesama kaum., xsuka la bila tengok xsedap mata memandang., upload lak pic cam 2., bangga la kononya ada bf cam 2 n sanjung air 2..,
-- astaqfirullah al a'zim...., x sangka teruknya dia., islam ke dia??? islam atas nama jea., perangai kalah kafir., bawak2 taubat la., ALLAH maha pengampun...,
tak sangka lak aku ngan perangai dia., dulu aku tengok ok jea., memang la dia xbertudung.., dah 2., ambik lak air kencing syaitan., pe la nak jadi., harap dia bertaubat., sementara masih hidup., ALLAH maha pengampun...,

p/s: pic contoh.....,


Friday, January 6, 2012

| newwww :)

| aiy2., salam., haa., dah mula dah keja baru., :)

alhamdulillah., ok tp penat :)
kitchen helper la ku....,